Wednesday, June 7, 2006 |
WARNING! this is gonna be really looooong entry. YES. do not underestimate the word long. so do read at your own risk. so if your degree shoots UP, dont come screaming at me haha. I WARNED YOU:)
BUDGET SHOPPING $28 - 2 blouses 1 belt 1 pair of earrings :)))))))))))

NIGUS SLEEPOVER:DDDD woke up early to bake for my sweethearts:) decided to prove my culinary skills for once HAHA. so i shall not praise myself too much. the pictures speak a thousand words:) DONT DROOL okay.
the yummy gingerbread cookies:DDDD


yes yes i know. you're shocked i did all those. but really, you shouldn be. cos i'm such a GREAT COOK. HAHA
first night there was only jia carmen and i. way back from dinner, there was this snail crawling in front of us and it actly left 'foot'prints behind! its damn cool la. when can you ever see snails' footprints!

so we basically spent the whole night pigging out and watching this really nice korean drama. its called gong or sth i think. slept at 6. woke up at 12:)
second night we went chomp chomp for supper!:) we had stingray, sotong, chicken wings, etc. YES i know. its bloody sinful but ahh whatever. its even MORE sinful to miss such cheap and good food la!

and there was this signboard near chomp chomp!HAHA super retro.

ice cream at ice cube was heavenly:) DUH. loved the banana mudpiexD

ahhh. im feeling lazier and lazier. i know, i know. i haven't blogged much yet but there's just a sudden rush of fatigue haha. so the photos shall do the talking for me alright:)
tsk tsk. this little thing. so innocent looking. so harmless looking. but when it turns, OH MANN. you know how the water in your toilet bowl moves when you flush. thats how you're gonna spin.



carmen and the murderer MUAHAHA



haha and im not publishing mine cos they're really too errrm. obscene.
anw sleepover was great fun:))))))) and I REALLY LOVE MY NIGUS xDDDDDD

saw this on chris's blog. i really miss those days. but im glad at least that nothing much has changed:)))

HAPPY BIRTHDAY HUIPING!!! xDDDDDDDDD claire almighty demonstrated her wonderful baking skills again yest:) OBVIOUSLY it was good.

anyway i hoped you liked the surprise and the day we planned for you yest girl. i'm really sorry i can't be here to celebrate with you on the actual day itself. but have lotsa fun okay? i love you dear:)
im officially broke.ANYONE? ANY KIND soul wants to GIVE me money?i'll be grateful for eternity :))))))
fri i'll be off to khaolak!i'm gonna spent five really meaningful days helping little kids:) dont miss me too much everyone:) |
and so she said at 11:20 PM  |